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Desde otra perspectiva tendiente a debilitar las tesis de
Desde otra perspectiva, tendiente dapt secretase debilitar las tesis de Ardao y de Rojas Mix, ese mismo año de 1998, Vicente Romero reconsideró la influencia sobre Bilbao de Lamennais e hizo gravitar sobre él el sentido suyo de la latinidad. Ese sentido sería el que pone en circulación el comité Lat
La Coordinadora entiende como imposible la reconstrucci n de
La Coordinadora entiende como imposible la reconstrucción de su pueblo sin el territorio, sin el control territorial. Debemos recordar que en el pensamiento de la cam, la memoria del agravio hace legítima su visión de despojo y el reconocimiento que, en su momento, los mapuches tuvieron, que implicó
However the colonoscopy procedure carries risks of
However, the colonoscopy procedure carries risks of perforation and bleeding. Discomfort related to colonoscopy, such as abdominal pain and a sensation of fullness, is frequently experienced by patients during this faah inhibitor procedure . Anxiety arising from this discomfort is inevitable for mos
Staurosporine br Materials methods br Results br
Materials-methods Results Discussion The general statement that can be concluded from the studies comparing the utility of 18F–NaF PET or PET/CT with 99mTc- MDP whole body bone scintigraphy is that 18F–NaF PET/CT generally has a higher sensitivity and specificity than bone scan. Higher upta
Un ciclo diferente y mucho m s profundo de transformaciones
Un ciclo diferente y mucho más profundo de transformaciones se inicia con el proceso constitucional en Bolivia y Ecuador. Bolivia se “re-funda” en 2009 y se proclama Estado Unitario Social de Derecho Plurinacional Comunitario. El capítulo cuarto sobre los derechos de las naciones y pueblos indígenas
On what might an argument for a fairer
On what might an argument for a fairer distribution of malaria research investment rest? The investments analysed by Head and colleagues were those made from outside of sub-Saharan Africa, not by African countries themselves, and were a mix of public funds channelled through bilateral and multilater
Patients with endophytic tumors had
Patients with endophytic tumors had a 2.6-fold higher rate of local recurrence than those with exophytic tumors. The 5-year local control rates were 64% and 95% in those with endophytic and exophytic lesions, respectively. The correlation of tumor morphology with local recurrence in patients with ea
In patients who develop bone
In patients who develop bone metastases, these are commonly diagnosed at the time of their initial work up for their metastatic disease (∼80%) [7], although others can develop skeletal metastases at any time during the disease course. The consequences of bone metastases include pain (∼80%) [3,6,8] a
br Discussion Zoledronic acid has been approved for preventi
Discussion Zoledronic chemokine receptor has been approved for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and glucocorticoids-induced osteoporosis, treatment of Paget\'s disease, hypercalcemia, multiple myeloma and bone metastasis. In the particular case of breast cancer, it is recommended as a mo
Under conditions of high cholesterol
Under conditions of high cholesterol consumption, an appreciable fraction of cholesterol in bile is derived from the diet through the chylomicron pathway to the liver. Dietary cholesterol reaches the liver through the intestinal lymphatic routes as of chylomicrons, and subsequently, chylomicron remn
The option tested by Berkley and colleagues is the use
The option tested by Berkley and colleagues is the use of prolonged antimicrobial prophylaxis after clinical nutritional recovery. The concept of empirical broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy in high-risk immunocompromised populations is not novel, as there have been decades now of demonstrated ben
Se trata de una generaci n que creci a la
Se trata de una generación que creció AVE 0991 la sombra de un “experimento” como Poesía en movimiento, publicado por primera vez en 1966, pero que en 1990 había alcanzado la 21ª edición en Siglo XXI, antología que apostaba por la poesía de ruptura y el poema como signo (Escalante 2013: 91-94). En c
Las formas literarias de presentaci n de los
Las formas literarias de presentación de los textos aquí comentados son distintas: estamos frente a una obra de teatro, dos artículos (o capítulos de libro) y un cuento. El establecimiento de una ‘periodización’ de la historia de la literatura mexicana a partir de cuatro etapas —la prehispánica,
En efecto la situaci n de las
En efecto, la situación de las relaciones interétnicas en la que está imbricada la vida de los uitotos no sólo alcanza Lomefloxacin HCl otros pueblos originarios de América. Al menos desde el siglo xvii, los pueblos que actualmente habitan el resguardo Predio Putumayo, se han visto inmersos en relac
br The follow up clinic These trial
The follow-up clinic These trial results have significant implications for clinic efficiencies. The safe and effective replacement of the bulk of “routine” in-clinic evaluations demonstrated in TRUST (Fig. 3) has a huge implication for resource utilization. Although demanding adjustment to differ
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